Table tag

Table Tag
Table is a two dimensional structure or it is a collection of row and columns .With the help of the table we can arrange our data in a well defined and organized manner. So that we can understand information or data easily .It is also helpful to analyze the data. To use table inside your html page you have to use <TABLE> TAG.
We can use table structure at many places
1.     If you are making a simple website you can create navigation with the help of TABLE TAG.
2.     You can arrange many images continuously.
3.     By using table our data will not be scattered.
<TR> tag is used to create rows and <TD> tag is used to create sections or columns in a row. For column heading we will use <TH> tag.
For <TABLE> TAG we have many attributes like align , width ,border ,bordercolor ,cellpadding , bgcolor , background , height.
  • For <TR> TAG we can use bgcolor,align,bordercolor,height etc.
  • For <TD> TAG we can use bgcolor,align,bordercolor,background,height etc.
  • For <TH> TAG we can use bgcolor, background ,align,bordercolor,height etc.
Example  1
<title>internal linking</title>
<font color="res" size="+5" >
<U><h1>Table Example</h1></U></font></center></center>

<Table  width="250" align="center"  border="1" bordercolor="#0000" cellpadding="5" >
<tbody >
<tr align="center"  bgcolor="#FFFF99">
<th> <b>Roll no</b></th>
<tr align="center"><td>101</td><td>Mac</td><td>90%</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>102</td><td>Jack</td><td>85%</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>103</td><td>Elley</td><td>70%</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>104</td><td>Dj</td><td>65%</td></tr>

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